
Historical Resource:
Macalester College - has a great website on different areas in Minnesota .
Minnesota Historical Society - a lot of historical information and grants!

Conservation Resources:
American Institute for Conservation - Caring for Your Treasures from architecture to books to textiles and glass, this website is the official national member organization for conservation professionals.

Museum Resources:
Re-Org - is a great resource for small museums like the ones here on the Range. It highlights storage reorganization, documentation, and offers case studies on collection care. It was created in order for "Preventive Conservation of Endangered Museum Collections in Developing Countries.”
Running a Museum a Practical Handbook PDF - Everything and anything you will need to know about how to run a museum. Includes information on care of collections, care of visitors, management, marketing, disaster preparedness, and illicit trafficking.
Museum Ethics - The Institute of Museum Ethics promotes accountability, responsibility, and sustainability in museums.
Creating Exhibits - pdf to National Park Services resource: Chapter 7: Using Museum Collections in Exhibits

Museum Blogs to Note
Headwaters Science Center - Bemedji, MN
Edge Center for the Arts - Bigfork, MN
Lyric Center for the Arts- Virginia, MN