Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Summer Photography Workshop at MDC

By Mai Vang, Curator

The "Grace" exhibit inspired me to host 3-Day sessions of Beginners and Intermediate workshops. Eric Enstrom from lil' ol' Bovey took this famous photograph.

Photograph taken by Eric Enstrom of Charles Wilden in 1918.

I cannot believe how many functions of a camera there are! Pete Davis, a professor from Hibbing Community College and Joe Edman, a photographer taught the two sessions. Below are some photographs I took after learning some techniques. Enjoy! (P.s. We would love to see your photographs from MDC too!)

The Class. Teachers, Pete Davis, third from left and Joe Edman, third from right.

My attempt at photography. Pond at MDC.

We learned the Rule of Thirds. When your
subject is in 1/3 of the frame, the photograph is more pleasing to the eyes.

The CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps.) truck. It actually runs and 
was recently in the Hibbing Parade!

One of the greatest features of our grounds are the
historical buildings and structures.
Here are replica outdoor cooking with a beautiful water pot.

Using the 'macro' on the camera always gives
photographs an artistic perspective.


  1. Beautiful place !!! You have capture great shoot , nice views . I like it

    High Resolution Stock Images

  2. Nice photos . What better time of year to shoot pictures of your family than in the summer, during the holidays. You don’t have to go far. If you have a young family, the garden – especially if you have a paddling pool – can produce some great candids. Or go further afield for ball games in the park, bike rides in the country or a trip to the beach.

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